Here are some game projects that I have worked (or am currently working) on.
Wounds and Wheat
A stealth farming game wherein you play as a Palestinian farmer-turned-refugee expelled from his village in 1948. You must plant, tend, and harvest crops in your erstwhile land surreptitiously, lest you be shot on sight by its new overlords. Successfully harvested crops provide sustenance for one’s family in a refugee camp. Produced as my master's capstone project, I was responsible for all aspects of game design, programming, and production.
A real-time strategy game of network management where the goal is to accumulate revenue to grow a bureaucracy while managing the corruption of bureaucrats. The player works to minimize the disparity between projected revenue and actual revenue. This game is a demonstration of the original research of Romain Ferrali. I served as lead game designer, junior programmer, and producer.
Defuse the Situation
A cooperative multiplayer game wherein two or more players must use their very best communication skills to defuse a (mock) bomb! This game is a physical adaptation of Steel Crate Games' Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes. I served as lead game designer and co-programmer.