Wounds and Wheat
Wounds and Wheat is a historical fiction, stealth farming game where you play as a Palestinian farmer-turned-refugee who has been expelled from his land during the 1948 ethnic cleansing of Palestine. You must plant, tend, and harvest crops in your erstwhile land surreptitiously, lest you be shot on sight by its new overlords. Successfully harvested crops provide sustenance for one’s family in a refugee camp (not a playable area). The game is playable on PC and Mac and its intended audience is players ages 10 and up who are interested in Palestinian history.
Initial prototype demonstrating enemy range of vision tied to day/night cycle.
Players set out from their refugee camp (not a playable area) toward their village/farmlands each day. Time operates on a day/night cycle, with enemy range of vision decreasing as the sun goes down. The player must engage in four actions to effectively farm the land: till soil, plant seeds, water sprouts, and harvest crops. Crops will require varying amounts of water and growing periods depending on their nutritional value. Once players return to their camp, the nutritional value of the harvested crops will be distributed to their family.
With each successive day, the landscape will change slightly--buildings that were previously homes might now be destroyed, or new barriers erected on the perimeter of the village and farmlands, making the task of finding cover and accessing one’s land more difficult.
Tilling the soil and planting seeds.
Harvesting crops